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Grant Writing Workshop at Advanced Technology Centre – Wed, May 9, 2018

Grant Writing Workshop – Alberta Small Business

If grants are part of your fundraising plan this workshop is a must!

A well written and concise proposal is vital to having a grant application accepted.

Although there are numerous grants available for start-ups and small businesses, applying for grants is a time consuming often intimidating process.

Hosted by Advanced Technology Center and delivered by Campus Innovation Consultation Group Client & Grant Manager, Bob Marshall, this workshop will provide guidelines, strategies, and advice for preparing and writing winning grant applications. The workshop is targeted at assisting Alberta small businesses interested in pursuing grant funding.  Attendees will gain an in-depth understanding of the grant writing process as well as a list of do’s and don’ts, essential tips, and relevant links including the new greenhouse gas emissions grants.

Bob’s leadership in R&D business initiatives and in the publically-funded innovation systems of Alberta (Alberta Ingenuity Fund; Alberta Innovates – Technology Futures; TEC Edmonton), and Ontario (Materials and Manufacturing Ontario; Ontario Centres of Excellence) have provided him with extensive knowledge and experience in innovation funding and grant writing which he will share throughout this workshop.

Wednesday, May 09   9:00 AM ‐ 12:00 N00N

Advanced Technology Center

9650 – 20 Avenue NW

Suite 134 Boardroom

Edmonton, Alberta T6N1G1

Registration Fee:

$150.00/ per person

$75.00 for second person from an organization

ATC Companies attend for free (max 2 people per company)

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